Sunday 4 August 2013

Quote of the Week - Koyczan

"Happiness isn't a fixed point that you can simply run toward... it's a constantly moving force that we will lose sight of from time to time. In those long stretches between sightings we are forced to practice patience. When we aren't practicing it's because we're already in it. I'm not practicing today."

- Shane Koyczan

So.....having been quote-less last week, I know...I know some pretty quotable folks - why'm I trolling around for "famous people's" quotes when I know some of the best writers, thinkers, speakers there are in the universe today?

And then I found this on FB - thus confirming my new theory that these quotes should be from real live, flesh and blood people you could touch if you wanted to.  Cause they know. 

And to be honest, I am wrestling this one to the ground right now.  I'm always long on will and courage and short on patience and strength.

The picture?  Well, it's cause I think nautical is the new black.  And cause I want that cute notebook from Etsy! (And cause anchors have been "godwinking" at me lately.)

Happy week!  And I mean that - let happiness be your practice!

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