Sunday 6 July 2014

Quote of the Week - Christie

"Don't delay deliciousness." 
~ Celeste Christie

It was dinner and there was okra and papadoms and all kinds of good things, and Celeste said that and I  knew it had to be this week's quote.

This is wise counsel, from a rad cool and extremely crafty person - like Etsy crafty, not like sly. A4DS, an organization co-founded by Celeste, has been featured on the Zestyverse for its pracitivist work.

As you start your week, remember not to delay deliciousness!

Speaking of deliciousness, Zesty has a new Music Editor! Sean Morris will be posting recommendations every month - check out the contributor's page to learn more about him. If you have a new album or EP you'd like us to check out, please drop an email to us.

We also have a new series -- Dear Able People and our first guest post by new contributor Jerry Garcia!

It's summer, but we are keeping it Zesty!

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